Monday, August 20, 2012

a game for your high energy dog

Everybody likes to play fetch and tug with a dog, but did you know that these games can be a great way to train too? If you have a high energy, possessive dog who likes both toys and food our version of the fetch game can be your number one training tool!  If your dog likes fetch, tug, and understands basic manners you are ready. The more often you play, the more your dog will be committed to giving you immediate attention and snappy responses. Sound good?  Then watch Lucia and Judith use fetch and tug as a training game:

Prepare to play by putting some good training treats in a pouch or pocket where you can get to them easily.  When you are new to the game play in an area that has few distractions so you are the most interesting thing around.  

Tug is game where a high energy dog gets to show her natural rowdiness. Make sure you set rules from the very beginning to keep things from getting out of hand. Most important: you are always the one to start and end the game.  Use the tug toy ONLY when you and the dog are playing together and put it away when you are done.  End the game immediately if the dog bites you instead of the toy or gets too excited to listen.
 To start the game present the tug toy.  Hold it so the dog has a good place to grab on to- See how Judith has her hands placed on the rope so there is plenty of room for Lucia to bite?

Play tug fairly- sometimes you pull back, sometimes you let your dog pull you back.  Encourage her to take firm hold of the toy by changing your movements and how hard you pull.  When your dog is very committed to hanging on to the tug, ask her to release the tug to you by using your "out" command. If she is reluctant, offer a treat in trade.  When she releases the toy give her the treat.

 Then throw the toy!

As soon as she picks up the toy, call her back to you.

Tell her what you want her to do when she gets to you- here Judith signals for a "down"
Give your command for "out" so the dog knows it is time to release the toy and trade the toy for a food reward
Then make the reward even better by playing with tug again!

 Now you are back at the beginning

 you can repeat the entire game.

 End the game while your dog is still having fun, before they get bored, so they will look forward to playing with you again soon.

 With so many high energy dogs here at Dark Moon Kennels we use this game a lot!  Every dog thinks they are special when you spend the time to play the fetch game with them.  Go ahead and try it with your dogs and let us know how it goes.  Every dog and person is a little different and we would love to hear how the game works for you.