Tuesday, November 23, 2010

There is nothing like a lap full of puppies to make you smile!

This has been an eventful couple of days.  The puppies moved out of their kennel and into a playpen.

The playpen gives us the space to begin one of the most important aspects of training: house training.  Noone wants an animal in the house if they aren't house broken!  As soon as the puppies are old enough to walk around they try to pee and poop at a distance from where they sleep.  This is a great time to start their house training.  Since we want them to do their business on dirt, we put trays of dirt in the corner of their playpen. They usually poop when they first wake up and again a few minutes after they eat, so we keep a close eye at these times and move them into the dirt when they start looking for a good place to poop. We will let you know how this works, so keep reading!  In this photo you can see our precocious Buddha using the dirt!

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