We answer a lot of questions about what you should and shouldn't feed your dog.
With hundreds of brands of kibble, canned food, and raw diets to consider this can be a very confusing subject! We recommend you look at the ingredient list of various foods and choose a brand that has meat as the main ingredient. Avoid brands that have Corn, Soy, and Wheat on the top of the list as a dog's digestive system does not know how to process these. Spend some time doing research online and in a pet store and you can find a food that fits both your budget and your dog's needs.
A lot simpler is to list the foods you should NOT give your dog. According to the ASPCA national animal poison control center these are the foods that are toxic to dogs:
Onions or onion powder
Chocolate- especially dark or baker's chocolate
Coffee and all coffee- related products
Chocolate covered espresso beans
Alcoholic beverages
Macadamia nuts
Hops (used in home brewing)
Grapes and raisins (including all associated products such as juice or wine)
Tomato foliage (leaves and stems)
Green parts of potato (green peelings, sprouts and foliage)
Rhubarb leaves
Pits and seeds from fruits
Bitter almonds
Moldy or spoiled foods
If you want to feed your dog well stay away from the foods on the toxic list, keep table scraps and salty foods to a minimum, and take some time to choose a good quality food from the many commercially available.
How should you respond if your dog eats one of these toxic foods? At what point should they be rushed to a vet? What are some signs to look out for?
ReplyDeletefirst- don't panic. Especially in an emergency situation you need to be calm so your pet doesn't worry. We have seen small amounts of onions, grapes, alcohol, and milk chocolate consumed without apparent ill effect, but when your dog eats something on the list call your vet to get advice. If in doubt, don't hesitate to seek emergency care as you may not see symptoms for several hours. For more information on poisonings, look up http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/what-to-do-if-your-pet-is-poisoned.aspx for information about lots of poisons and what to do and try http://www.dogownersdigest.com/news/library/chocolate-dog-poisoning.shtml for an interesting article on chocolate